Ryalto approved to deliver services on G-Cloud 13

The Best Things In Life Aren’t Free.
Especially When It Comes To G-Cloud 13 Approval.
With financial inducements, a word comprising four letters draws most of us in like a moth to a flame. We’re talking FREE, often followed by one of these!
You’d think it’s a word CEOs and FDs would hold dear, but three letters are of far more interest to them than a freebie. We refer to ROI. We don’t want to get into the debate about whether workforce engagement and retention are seen as a cost or an investment, though as creators of an App that has transformed workforce engagement and has boosted the R of ROI, you’ll know where we stand.
Why pay for a workforce engagement App when WhatsApp is free? We hear you cry.
The short answer is, are you comfortable with your data on a free App containing your organisation’s reputation and customer confidentiality flying around in the ether and ending up on a server who knows where?
Or would this highly sensitive information best be divulged via a professional, monitored, dedicated work tool, through an enclosed network, subscribers to which will treat it with respect and careful consideration, rather than something free, open to anyone, and widely used for sending pictures of one’s dinner or amusing videos of cats?
Which, by way of a clunky segue, brings us to the G-Cloud buyers’ guide.
It is THE place to be when tendering for framework inclusion of cloud-based software supplier solutions to the UK government.
And, as the saying goes: You’ve got to be in it to win it.
Drum roll, chests puffed with pride and a huge pat on the back to our team: we can announce Ryalto is approved to deliver software services on G-Cloud 13 across all four lots relating to hosting, applications accessed over the internet hosted in the cloud, cloud support and the myriad services that entails.
Not long into this post, we talked about ROI and costs. Currently, the main sectors the Ryalto App is used in are healthcare and care-based companies, sectors where data breaches and cyber security leaks can be catastrophically costly.
To put this into sobering perspective, using industry benchmark figures of a company or organisation of 1,000 employees. Should a data breach occur across an expected figure of 3% of those employees, the average fine for a single breach is £7,500, multiply that by 30, fines total £225,000, and reputation is reduced to zero. The price of watertight security through the Ryalto App pales in comparison. In fact if you’d like to see the Return on Investment that Ryalto can deliver for you then check out our ROI calculator.
So, to close on a reassuring thought, against the G-Cloud 13 stringent appraisal criteria of HM government, we’ve won their trust. We hope that will win yours, and enable you to sleep at night.